Economic growth

The development of the maritime areas identified in Åland's MSP are expected to generate significant option and lease revenues for the government as well as property tax revenues for the municipalities over a long period of time.


Offshore wind power creates numerous new job opportunities. Local businesses are anticipated to be assigned subcontracting tasks throughout the construction phase, while opportunities in operations and maintenance will arise during the operational phase.


Offshore wind power requires expertise in various fields. The development of offshore wind power provides opportunities for institutions to offer specialized education and training, as the industry is in need of a steady supply of new personnel. Åland offers a suitable testbed for new solutions in renewable energy.

Environment and sustainability

Once fully developed, renewable energy production from Åland's maritime areas can play a crucial role in the Nordic energy market. By building offshore wind farms far out at sea, more unique environments in the Åland archipelago can be preserved for future generations.


The project directive adopted by the Government of Åland, includes the following goals:

  1. A uniform and comprehensive municipal master plan for the identified maritime areas, enabling a smoother permitting process and reducing developer risk.
  2. Increase the lease value of the maritime areas by conducting targeted actions.
  3. Establish a clear and streamlined permitting process for the establishment of offshore wind farms.
  4. Develop an infrastructural plan for the establishment of offshore wind farms that provides best results in the form of revenue streams and other potential benefits.
  5. Prepare lease agreements and auction processes.
  6. Develop processes and organization for managing and administering activities needed for capturing the potential of offshore wind power.